I Scream You Scream We All Scream For Marriage Equality


Ben & Jerry

Ice cream manufacturer Ben & Jerry’s has recently backed a brief encouraging the US Supreme Court to make a ruling regarding marriage equality.

The company have signed the Employer’s Amicus Brief, which urges the Supreme Court to rule in favour of marriage equality in the pending marriage ban cases from Oklahoma, Virginia and Utah next month.

They are the lastest company to do so following 30 others including eBay, Amazon, CBS, Intel and Nike.

Spokesperson Chris Miller said: “Often, it’s not enough to change the way you do business, or change the practice within your business.

“Unless you’re willing to stand up and advocate for the rights of others, not just here in our backyard but around the world, it’s often just not good enough.

“This is not just a concern of the gay rights community. There is a broad base of support for a single standard across all 50 states that recognize same sex marriage.”

The frozen dairy mogul has previously showed public support for same sex marriage by temporarily renaming certain flavours of ice cream in celebration of marriage equality. When Vermont legalised gay marriage in 2009, they renamed their ‘Chubby Hubby’ flavour ‘Hubby Hubby’. In 2012 in the UK they renamed their ‘Oh, My! Apple Pie!’ flavour ‘Apple-y Ever After’, and the tub featured an image of a same sex couple atop a wedding cake decorated with rainbows.

Sophie Joske