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Tag: Lezly Herbert


Bibliophile: The Never Um, Ever Ending Story of Molly Meldrum

  The Never, um, Ever ending Story by Ian ‘Molly’ Meldrum with Jeff Jenkins Allen & Unwin Although Molly Meldrum can’t remember when fell from his roof just...

Film Reviews: November

Pride (MA) Directed by Matthew Warchus When Margaret Thatcher announced plans to close 20 coal mines across Britain in 1984, the mineworkers went on strike. Things...

October Film Reviews

Skeleton Twins (MA) Directed by Craig Johnson Failed actor Milo (Bill Hader) has just broken up from his boyfriend. After throwing their framed photo into the...

Film Review: Darker than Midnight

Darker Than Midnight Directed by Sebastian Riso Androgynous Davide (Davide Capone) ends up walking the streets of Catalina after his father tries to ‘cure’ the 14...

Bibliophile: After Homosexual

After Homosexual Edited by Carolyn D’Cruz and Mark Pendleton UWA Publishing In recent years queer organisations in many parts of the world have stagnated. Focusing on the...

Bibliophile: Get Reading

Here at OUTinPerth, we suffer from an incurable case of bibliophilia: an insatiable, overwhelming, all-encompassing, heart-thuddingly, loin-tinglingly intense aching love for books. Who could blame...

Bibliophile: The Stalking of Julia Gillard

The Stalking of Julia Gillard by Kerry-Anne Walsh Allen & Unwin Kerry-Anne Walsh was press secretary for Bob Hawke before reporting from Canberra’s press gallery for the...

Film Review: The Reckoning

The youngest of the three LaPaglia boys (Jonathon) is Detective Robbie Green. He is called out to the murder of his colleague Jason (played...

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Public sector union disappointed as WA government rejects calls for gender affirmation leave

The union says government workers are being left behind.

Review | Caroline O’Connor – My Musical Life

Caroline O'Connor's show was a delightful blend of music, storytelling, and abundant laughter.

On This Gay Day: Sally Ride headed into outer space

Soon her life will be the focus of a new drama series.

Bright Light Bright Light and Mykal Gilgore pay tribute to George and Aretha

Check out their take on the classic tune.

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.