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Tag: New Family


Gay vulture Dads welcome new chick at Amsterdam Zoo

Two male vultures at Amsterdam Zoo have cared for an abandoned egg and our now raising the recently hatched chick as their own. When Zoo...

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‘Ladies in Black’ takes us back to a different time in Australia

It's the second screen adaptation of Madeliine St John's novel.

Dr Sara Glass shares her journey in ‘Kissing Girls on the Shabbat’

Her personal memoir includes her advice for escaping trouble relationships.

On This Gay Day | Leo Varadkar becomes Taoiseach in Ireland

Leo Varadkar became the fourth gay head of government...

Professor Lisa Harvey-Smith is the new CEO of Out for Australia

The esteemed scientist will lead to organisation into a new era.

Archbishop Fisher says LGBTIQA+ protections will force schools and hospitals to close

He says Australia is heading to a "crunch time".