Australia Party Slams Campbell Newman, Gay Marriage


Bob Katter’s Australia Party is using marriage as a wedge issue in the lead up to the Queensland state elections, releasing a video warning voters that the leader of the LNP, Campbell Newman, supports gay marriage. The video has been condemned by equal marriage lobbyists for equating a pro-gay marriage stance with being anti-family.

Newman’s position on equal relationship recognition is unclear, with contradictory statements as to whether he will leave Queensland’s current civil partnership legislation standing if the LNP wins the election on March 24.

Australian Marriage Equality convenor, Alex Greenwich has called on the LGBTI community to use the video as a reminder to make submissions to the federal Senate inquiry into marriage equality.

Persons wishing to make a pro-marriage equality submission to the inquiry can fill out the Australian Marriage Equality submission form or attend the Perth forum on how to make a submission that that they are running on March 24.