Confronting Footage of NSW Police at Mardi Gras


Mardi GrasConfronting footage of NSW police detaining a man at Saturday night’s Mardi Gras parade as been posted to YouTube quickly gaining hundreds of views.

NSW independent MP Alex Greenwich has expressed his concern and called for a full investigation.

“I have also spoken with other parade goers who have described similar events and will bring this matter to the Police Minister’s attention as a matter of urgency”, said Mr Greenwich.

Sydney Mardi Gras released a statement saying that they found the footage distressing and that their thoughts were with the individual, his family friends and all who witnessed the event. Sydney Mardi Gras have requested a meeting with the Minister of Police.

NSW Police have told OUTinPerth that they are aware of the vision and that an investigation will be conducted into the circumstances around the incident.

The graphic footage comes after several men had raised concern about the way they were treated on Saturday night.

Bryn Hutchinson, a former Community Action Against Homophobia (CAAH) co-convenor has alleged that  he was assaulted by police after the parade when attempting to cross the road.

A second man has alleged he was assaulted and intimidated by police after being arrested outside the Horden Pavilion after party.


OUTinPerth warns that this footage is considerable graphic nature and contains violence, please consider before choosing to view.


Updated 9:42pm to include statement from Sydney Mardi Gras. 10:02pm NSW Police have been contacted for comment. 11:00pm NSw police comment included.

Graeme Watson