On The Spot with Alyce Hosie


DSC_0463@ Chapels on Whatley

Who would you like to be trapped on a desert island with? Somebody really hot and smart, I’d need both.  

What are scarier, sharks or crocodiles? Crocodiles, because I’d never go in the water where they are.

Skydive or scuba dive? Skydive.

If the moon was made of cheese what kind would it be? Something soft – not feta, probably double creamed brie or something.

Favourite pizza topping?  Vegetarian.

How many watches do you own? One.

What inspires you?  Happy people.

What’s your favourite thing to do on your day off?  Sleep.

Who’s your favourite gay celeb? There are different genres for that, that’s a hard one. Penny Wong is pretty up there.

Have you ever broken a bone? No!

What would your dream job be? Currently what I’m heading for, nursing.

Wine, beer or spirits? Spirits.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Some tropical island, paradise.

What goes best on toast? Cheese.

How many pets do you own? Technically one dog but I co-own two.

Who would you like to see perform live? That’s a hard one because I’ve seen so much music! Probably Garbage, that would make me happy.