Christian Democratic Party Claims Heterosexuals Are Oppressed


CDP InfographicFred Nile’s Christian Democratic Party has claimed that the Australian Bureau of Statistics Report that highlighted the same sex couples earn more than their heterosexuals counterparts shows that heterosexual couples are oppressed.

The info-graphic which was posted on the political parties Facebook page quickly generated a heated debate in the comments section with people highlighting that if people were earning more, they were also paying more tax. It was also highlighted that families may already receive a range of tax benefits and bonus payments.

OUTinPerth asked the party what their solution would be to enable heterosexual couples to increase their incomes. They responded;

“The solution is to make the working life and our tax system more compatible with the needs of parents. At the moment, the contribution of parents to our future isn’t valued.”

The party declined to answer additional questions put forward by OUTinPerth, but asked that further comment be sought from their NSW State Director who is currently away overseas.

The party’s leader the Reverend Fred Nile is an outspoken opponent of the gay rights. The party has held a seat in the NSW parliament for decades but is trying to make the leap to federal politics and will run candidates in the September 7 federal election.

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