Rapid Testing: Are You Booked In?



With nearly 3000 clients at M Clinic; Perth’s sexual health clinic for men who have sex with men, the uptake of testing has been ever increasing! And with the recent introduction of Rapid HIV testing there has been an even greater demand for M Clinic services.

With more and more guys testing than ever before, this can mean a longer than usual wait time to get an appointment. More appointments mean more testing, more treatments, more vaccinations, etc.

If you want to ensure you get in to M Clinic for testing at a time that suits you, the simple solution is to book well in advance. Whether you are testing every 3 months, 6 months or yearly, we can book you in so that you are always guaranteed your appointment of choice.

M Clinic also offers SMS reminders for appointments, so even if your appointment is a few months away, you will get sent a reminder before your appointment. This makes it easy for people to book appointments down the track.

For guys that do have symptoms, the team at M Clinic will do their best to get you in at the earliest available appointment. If there is a waiting period to see a doctor we may refer you to another service or encourage you to see your GP.

If you are thinking about having a test in the next month or two, don’t hesitate to give us a call on 9227 0734 so we can book you in, we look forward to hearing form you and seeing you at your next visit.

Tony Bober

M Clinic