Bill Shorten Confronts the ACL


Bill Shorten - federal member for Maribyrnong - Official Portrait

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has told the Australian Christian Lobby that he strongly disagrees with their views on marriage.

Mr Shorten was the key note speaker at the conservative lobby groups annual conference in Canberra. Despite many people criticising the Labor Leader’s decision to attend the meeting Mr Shorten kept the engagement but didn’t back down on his support for marriage equality.

“I believe in God and I believe in marriage equality,” Mr Shorten told the conference audience.

“I’m a Christian and a supporter of marriage equality under the law.”

Mr Shorten said the law in it’s current state discriminates against adults who love each other.

An advance copy of Mr Shorten’s speech was given to LGBTIQ website same same.

In the speech Mr Shorten highligted that he did not agree with some of the beliefs of conservative Christians at the conference.

“When I hear people invoking the scriptures to attack blended families… I cannot stay silent,” he will tell the conference. “I do not agree.”

“When I see people hiding behind the bible to insult and demonise people based on their sexuality… I cannot stay silent. I do not agree.

“When I hear people allege that ‘God tells them’ that marriage equality is the first step on the road to polygamy and bigamy and bestiality… I cannot stay silent. I do not agree.

“These prejudices do not reflect the Christian values I believe in.”

Lyle Shelton, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby said the group were grateful for Mr Shorten’s engagement with the Christian constituency.

Today’s national conference is focusing on the issues of religious freedom, indigenous recognition in the Constitution and the plight of refugees fleeing persecution.” Mr Shelton said.

“We are grateful for Mr Shorten’s participation while understanding his position on redefining marriage.

Mr Shelton welcomed the Opposition Leader’s call for a civilized debate around marriage.

“We welcome Mr Shorten’s calls for a civilized debate about marriage.” Mr Shelton said, “Marriage is an important issue for our society’s future and we should be able to have a mature and civilized discussion that respects different viewpoints.

Mr Shorten’s speech has been welcomed by Australian Marriage Equality who described the speech as powerful.

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi who famously declared in parliament that marriage equality would lead to bestiality responded to Mr Shorten’s speech via social media. Senator Bernardi posted “Pretty sure no-one takes lectures on morality and marriage by Bill Shorten seriously” to his Twitter account.

Read Mr Shorten’s Speech in full at the Labor website.

OIP Staff


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