Brenton Thwaites Likes Male and Female Humans


Son of a Gun 2

Australian actor Brenton Thwaites casually addressed his sexuality in a recent interview promoting the film ‘Son of a Gun’.

Thwaites became well-known for his roles in ‘Home and Away’ and ‘Slide’ before moving to Los Angeles and appearing in ‘Maleficent’, ‘Oculus’ and ‘The Giver’.

‘Son of a Gun’ was released earlier this year and co-starred Ewan McGregor. The film was shot mostly on location in Western Australia.

In an interview with The Fix promoting the film, Thwaites casually addressed his sexuality when the interviewer asked what he looked for in a partner:

“Male or female?” he replied.


“Well they’re very different. Do they peanut butter in their cupboard?”

Thwaites’ casual revelation that he is attracted to more than one gender has been met with enthusiasm and jubilance across the Internet. Many commentators have expressed support for how matter of fact the actor is about his sexuality.

You catch watch the interview in question and imagine what a delightful husband Thwaites would make at The Fix. You can check out our interview with ‘Son of a Gun’ director Julius Avery here.


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