WAAC's Jonathon Hallet Calls for Solidarity


Jonathon Hallet

At the 2014 World AIDS Day commemoration, WA AIDS Council Chairperson Jonathon Hallet addressed the audience with a speech commenting on the need for solidarity in the ongoing fight against HIV and AIDS.

“Solidarity is a word we don’t seem to hear so often recently when we confront the global challenge of AIDS. And yet solidarity has been a foundation principle from the time that the crisis began more than 30 years ago.” Hallet said.

He also drew attention to the need to show solidarity not only within our community, but across the world. “Our own self-interest dictates that we not only take an interest in HIV and AIDS in our region, but that we actively participate in helping build capacity with local organisations working hard to lessen the devastation that HIV will potentially, and in some places already is producing.

Hallett said capacity must be addressed in terms of legal and political frameworks, health promotion, health infrastructure, personal empowerment, community development and education.