Facebook overtaken by rainbows


10155070_10153487548519783_1165380780139470332_n-tileFacebook has been filled with rainbows following the achievement of marriage equality in the USA.

Following the US Supreme Court’s annoucement that it was striking down the bans on same sex marriage, social network Facebook launched a tool that allowed people to quickly change their profile pictures to rainbow tinted adaptations.

With one click users of the social media service could update their existing profile image to include a rainbow coloured overlay.

“I’m so happy for all of my friends and everyone in our community who can finally celebrate their love and be recognized as equal couples under the law,” said Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in a post. “We still have much more to do to achieve full equality for everyone in our community, but we are moving in the right direction.”

To change your Facebook profile photo just head here.