On The Spot: Shakara Walley



We caught up with theatre director Shakara Whalley at Northside Books and put her on the spot with some random questions.

What is the first CD you bought? Backstreet Boys

If you were a drag queen what would your name be? Shaksta

What is your favourite place in the world? Looma Community, about 3 hours outside of Broome

What film last made you cry? Love Rosie

Who would you like to kiss? Tom Hiddleston

Who would you like to punch? Fat Cat! He scares me

Who is the ultimate diva? Mariah Carey

What song can’t you get out of you head? Sweet Child of Mine (It’s her ringtone!)

What makes you flip your lid? People who can’t take direction

If you were to turn into an animal, what animal would you be? Cuttlefish

How do you cure a hangover? Eggs, beans and toast… or just sleep!

When you were a teenager, who did you have posters of on your bedroom wall? Spice Girls, Nelly

Shakara Walley is the writer and producer of ‘Songbird’, an original new work from Imprint Productions in association with Yirra Yaakin Theatre Company. ‘Songbird’ is at the Blue Room Theatre from July 7 – 18, tickets available from blueroom.org.au and from the theatre.