Rottnest Island: A day at the beach is so close


Rather than spending a fortune and months of planning on an overseas getaway, why not just take a quick break somewhere much closer to home.

With just a few days of summer remaining, now is the perfect time to plan a trip to the beach.

Rottnest has to be one of the best choices for a quick escape, it’s just a short ferry ride away but it can feel like you’re a million miles away.

Whether you go for a day trip or check into the Karma Resort for a few nights of bliss there are lots of choices on how to spend your time on the island.

Grab a bicycle and head down to one of the many beautiful sheltered bays for a swim. Little Salmon Bay is our favourite, but there’s so many spots to visit. Swimming in the crystal clear water is refreshing on a hot day, and it’s worth taking a snorkel to see all the fish.


There’s heaps of historical sites to visit on the island and getting around is really easy – just get a ticket and jump on the round the island bus, or hire a bicycle and use pedal power.

Hanging out in the township is relaxing too, grab a great bite to eat, stroll through the shops, have some ice-cream, head off for another swim and then just relax and watch the sunsets.

Plus you can try to get the perfect photo of a Quokka.

Find out more about Rottnest at 

Karma Resort Rottnest supports OUTinPerth. This story was first published March 25th 2016.