Terri Butler is Labor's new Shadow Minister for Equality


Terri-ButlerThe Labor Party have included a minister specifically responsible for equality in their shadow cabinet.

Queensland MP Terri Butler will take on the role.

Butler has been a strong supporter of LGBTI rights and has been a vocal proponent of marriage equality.

Last year the MP co-sponsored a cross party marriage bill alongside members of the Liberals and Greens and in association with independent MPs.

Shirleen Robinson from Australian Marriage Equality said the appointment of Butler in her new role reflects a growing commitment among parliamentarians towards equality.

The decision of the federal Labor party to appoint a minister specifically for the role of equality mirrors a decision taken in the Victorian branch of the party.

In the Andrews government Martin Foley serves as the state’s Equality Minister. Victoria also has a Commissioner for Equality, a position held by Rowena Allen.

The decision to appoint a Shadow Minister for Equality comes as the new parliament ahead to considerable debates about LGBTIQ+ equality as the government moves forward with it’s plans to hold a plebiscite on the issue of marriage equality.

OIP Staff