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Scott Morrison: Shorten is obsessed with same sex marriage


Treasurer Scott Morrison has described Opposition Leader Bill Shorten as being obsessed with same sex marriage.

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Despite this week’s Newspoll showing support for a plebiscite had dropped to just 39% the Treasurer, who is opposed to marriage equality, was adamant that it was the only option the Turnbull government would entertain.

‘The only person talking about same-sex marriage every single day is Bill Shorten. He’s obsessed.” Morrison said.

Speaking to SKY News Morrison said the plebiscite could be delivered if the Labor party articulated what changes they would need to give the legislation support.

Earlier in the week Attorney General George Brandis and Special Minister of State Scott Ryan had a disastrous meeting with their Labor opposites where neither side was willing to suggest what elements of the proposed legislation they’d be willing to compromise on.

The Treasurer said the ball remained in Labor’s court.

“I say to them, get genuine, front up, tell us what changes they think are necessary to gain support for the bill, otherwise it’s just a stunt.” Morrison said.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten told reporters on Wednesday that it was clear the Australian people did not support the plebiscite plan and it was time for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to allow a free vote in the federal parliament.

“Wake up Malcolm Turnbull, listen to the Australian people, stop listening to the far right of you party. Do not waste $200 million dollars on a marriage equality opinion poll which you can’t even make your back benchers agree to vote for.” Bill Shorten told reporters.

OIP Staff



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