So Loquacious: Misty Farquhar joins us to look over recent news


Misty Farquar

Researcher and human rights advocate Misty Farquhar joined Graeme Watson and Leigh Hill for the latest installment of our podcast So Loquacious.

The discussion covered LGBTIQ rights around the globe including recent developments in Indonesia, bi-erasure by the queer rest of the LGTIQ community, the recent international gay and lesbian conference in Thailand, and the Australian Christian Lobby’s claim that dropping educations standards are due to the Safe Schools Coalition.


So Loquacious is OUTinPerth’s podcast, each week we go behind the headlines and present an in-depth discussion about LGBTIQ news and culture.

Subscribe to So Loquacious on iTunes or Soundcloud and hear previous episodes where guests Mark Reid, Charlie Perth, Bailey Lionizer and others chat about LGBTI news and culture.