Has your sex life become a little boring?



Has your sex life become a little bit boring and vanilla? Maybe you need to take out a subscription to Phile magazine.

The biannual publication that looks into different sexual practices and fetishes has just released their second issue and it can now be ordered online from their website.

The publications goal is to investigate sexual subcultures, trends, and issues to gain insight into human desire.

Issue Two features articles, interviews, photo essays and creative writing which cover topics such as: Female Masking, Gearheads, Sex in Prison, Sexual Cannibalism and BDSM.

To accompany the issue’s release they’ve also put together a short film called Encyclophilia Vol. I from director Andrew B Myers that lists a few different practices that people are attracted to.

Check out the film below, and head to their website to order the new issue, they’ve also got an intriguing Instagram account.

Encyclophilia Vol. I from Phile Magazine on Vimeo.