Choir seeks stories about their past for new project


The Gay and Lesbian Singers of Western Australia (GALSWA) have just celebrated their 25th anniversary and will be recording their history via a new storytelling project.

Thanks to an ANZ and Mardi Gras community grant, combined with support from the Town of Vincent, the choir will be working with a team of storytellers to capture some of the community organisation’s long history.

Jude Comfort from the choir said the goal was to capture some of the stories on how the organisation had affected people lives.

“We wanted to capture the impact of the choir, which is way more than the fabulous concerts we put on. Those of us who have been around the choir for a long time know the importance that the choir has played in people’s lives.” Comfort said.

“It’s also about the changing social mores around our community, we’ve probably all struggled a bit with our identity probably, but some of those stories have historical aspect, and I’d really like to capture those as well.”

The choir also hope to learn more about their own history from former members, admitting that their own understanding of their early days “is a bit fuzzy”

The final project will be multifaceted, a short film will be created alongside posters and other materials, and form an important of GALSWA’s 25th anniversary celebrations.

To find out more about the project head to

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