Tripadvisor sent hilarious cease and desist letter to straight pride


TripAdvisor has sent a comical cease and desist letter to the organisers of Boston’s Straight Pride event telling them to stop using their logo and cease from suggesting they are supportive of the the event.

Super Happy Fun America, the organisation behind the event, claim that queer pride events make straight people a minority and are not truly inclusive.

TripAdvisor certainly have a sense of humour, the travel advice company managed to slip the names of 12 camp tunes into their letter as well as they declared their support for the LGBTIQ+ communities around the world.

See if you can spot all twelve, and extra points if you know who sang the tune. Here’s the relevant part of the letter.

TripAdvisor’s trademark are protected in many countries around the world and Over the Rainbow… We have become a well-known brand for our reviews of hotels, restaurants, experiences and even the occasional YMCA, but we weren’t Born This Way — we obtained that recognition through significant advertising and promotion since as early as 2000….

You Need to Calm Down — you are not sponsored by, associated or affiliated with TripAdvisor in anyway… These inaccurate statements, which I trust to no show your True Colors… impinge upon our Freedom! To decide with what organizations we want to associate our bran. Have a Little Respect and remove those statements. TripAdvisor and I Will Survive without being associated with your event.

There is nothing Vogue or acceptable about making false claims about others merely to support your own cause. If I Could Turn Back Time, I would tell you not to use our name in the first place… In other words, Black Me Out with an “X” on the above webpage. You Make Me Feel (Might Real) disappointment that you thought this might be an acceptable way to do business.”

Last week Netflix also told the organisers to stop suggesting that they were supporting the event, they fired off a letter declaring their legal department were ‘here’, ‘queer’ and they should ‘steer clear’ of using the company’s logo in promotional materials.

OIP Staff