PFLAG Perth celebrate 30 years of supporting the LGBTIQ+ community


Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)’s Perth chapter are today celebrating 30 years since their first meeting in 1989.

The organisation has provided support for relatives and loved ones of LGBTIQ+ people over three decades, with volunteers giving their time to help people understand how they can stand by the side of their queer family and friends.

“On this day, 30 years ago, PFLAG Perth’s newly formed committee (and the first PFLAG in Australia) held their first meeting. Today we honour our founders, June Smythe, John and Margaret Pugh,” PFLAG Perth said in a statement.

“We honour our senior lifetime committee members: John and Pat Wilson and Elfie Heller (these wonders were high up on our parade truck on Saturday).”

“We honour all of the original PFLAG Perth committee members and to Heather who took PFLAG over East.”

“We thank you! We love you! You have given Perth and Australia a wonderful legacy to carry on.”

“Thank you to all who have been involved in PFLAG Perth over 30 years….whatever your role and for however long…. it’s you that have helped keep PFLAG Perth going and never stopping.”

“PFLAG Perth were able to “come out” in support of their children 30yrs ago, because it was no longer illegal to be gay. Thank you to all those passionate activists, parents, families and friends who fought for this change!”

The PFLAG Perth team also caught up with RTRFM’s All Things Queer team last week to mark the occasion – you can listen back to their chat with Hen here.

Find out more about PFLAG at

OIP Staff, Image:- David Cox

Team members at OUTinPerth volunteer on RTRFM’s All Things Queer program.