Netflix favourite 'GLOW' will not be returning for fourth & final season


Netflix has announced that the gorgeous ladies of wrestling will not be returning for a final season.

The streaming giant has confirmed GLOW will not return for a fourth season to wrap up the myriad character’s stories, winding back their earlier announcement it will be returning this year.

Set in the 80s and based on a real cult classic series that pit female wrestlers against one another in flamboyant costumes, the program dug under the glittering surface to unveil the human stories of these characters.

GLOW brought numerous LGBTIQ+ characters and story arcs to the screen, including the budding relationship between Yolanda (Shakira Barrera) and Arthie (Sunita Mani) – who struggled to reconcile their sexuality and culture – and Bash (Chris Lowell) who is revealed to be denying his sexuality even to himself, at the cost of his mental wellbeing.

The show’s stars have shared their disappointment at the news, sharing their love for the team and the three fabulous seasons that went to air.

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