This incredible anthology brings together an eclectic selection of India’s literary talents, including Salman Rushdie, Vikram Seth, Kiran Desai, and Siddharth Deb to tell the stories behind the HIV/AIDS epidemic in India. Intrinsically linked to the epidemic in India is the marginalisation of people of diverse sexuality and gender, sex workers, injecting drug users and, invariably, people living with HIV. From around India the writers have developed stories that are uplifting, tragic and frustrating –stories drawn from people from many different walks of life… temple women, truckdrivers, police, sex workers and MSM.Complex, intriguing and heartrending, this anthology yet another reminder why we must continue to work for the prevention and the treatment of HIV/AIDS.
AIDS Sutra: Untold Stories from India, (ed) Negar Akhavi is published by Vintage Originals. It is $27.95 and available from Planet Books and other good bookstores.