A new community-led study is seeking input from bi+ Australians to learn more about sexual health, health and wellbeing.
The Bi+ Sexual Health and HIV Study (BiSHH) is led by sexual health researchers, bi+ organisations and bi+ community advocates, and developed in close consultation with a Bi+ Research Advocacy Group with members from across the country.
As part of the BiSHH Study, the team have released an anonymous survey including questions on identity, attraction, sex, relationships and sexual health, as well as sensitive topics such as mental health, discrimination and sexual behaviour.

Those who are attracted to people of more than one gender fall under the bi+ umbrella, and are eligible to participate. This includes bisexual, pansexual, polysexual, omnisexual, queer, fluid and a range of other identifiers – as well as those who don’t subscribe to any particular label.
Researchers hope the data will better understand the bi+ community as a distinct cohort, rather than as a part of the wider LGBTQIA+ community, to better inform health and other support needs.
The Study is funded and coordinated by the Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society at UNSW Sydney.
To participate or find our more, head to bishhstudy.com