Feed your pussy, fill the bath, light the candles…and relax to the smooth sounds of Eran James. His second cd, Ten Songs About Love was recorded in NYC by Jay Newland (Norah Jones’s producer) and Tom Nichols, they have produced a sure-fire winner here. The hauntingly beautiful lament to Eran’s mother, Halo opens the album and then we’re taken on a journey of life’s loves, both up and down; this is so wonderfully reflected in Track 6, Something Beautiful…’Let that blue sky over your head; Get into your heart; It melts the doubt; It helps to light the dark; To start that first; You only need one spark’…I wouldn’t want to pigeon hole this album or tie it down to any genre, but let’s just say that this album has not been out of the car stereo for two weeks now. He graced the stage at the recent Randy Crawford concert in Perth and an appreciative crowd raised the roof for more. This 18 year-old lad from Oz will be one to watch out for and if ever you get a chance to see him live do so, he like this enchanting album certainly delivers.
Terry Larder