The search is on for community minded, passionate leaders to help promote relevant screening saves lives health initiatives.
It’s not all work, there’s fun to be had. A professional photoshoot is on the cards and maybe an interview or two with the main message being to take responsibility of your health with participation in relevant cancer screening programs.
The teams at National Bowel Cancer Screening Program, BreastScreen WA and WA Cervical Cancer Prevention Program are working together to produce new promotional resources for LGBTIQA+ community members to reflect the broad diversity of this group including those from Aboriginal and multicultural backgrounds, and people with a disability.
We want our heroes to be as representative and inclusive as possible to maximise our message reach in the WA community. This is your chance to join our current heroes and share your message – from community, for community.

Previous ambassadors include Eugene McGuire. He loved seeing his face on a poster during his time as bowel cancer screening ambassador.
“I was happy to be an ambassador to help get the word out that the test is quick and easy to use and potentially lifesaving,” Eugene said.
Steph and Gerri promoted breast cancer screening saying regular screening is the best way to detect breast cancer early and treat it successfully.
Mum Liz Leahy encouraged people to screen regularly to prevent cervical cancer. Liz said there were many reasons she signed up, but the main one is family.
“Partly it was for my daughter, and for my partner, I wanted to do it specifically for my daughter. After 10 rounds of IVF, I want to make sure I’m around to see her grow up and have adventures.

The early diagnosis of all cancers leads to better health outcomes. The three screening programs offer a chance to do just that.
You can choose a specific program to promote or promote all three if that is relevant to you. We welcome individuals, couples, family, and group shots, all are encouraged to apply.
We’d like to unveil our new ambassadors at Pride Fairday 2024 on 17 November 2024.
We anticipate the photo shoot will take place in mid to late September 2024. If you are interested or for more information, please contact scan the QR code and fill in the form.

OUTinPerth is proud to partner with the North Metropolitan Health Service to promote this initiative.