In an attempt to stimulate a series of ‘urban conversations’, a group of urban revitalists, Park Life, have developed two complementary programmes of free activities to run on Fridays in Central Park in the city. The first of the two programmes is structured around performances, with dancers, musicians, story tellers, artists, street performers entertaining and engaging the lunch crowd. The performative programme runs fortnightly and is based around ideas running in alternate weeks. This second programme involves experienced speakers addressing the crowd on a range of issues, including locality, public life, culture, the city and its residents. As part of this series, Charles Landry will be speaking at 1pm on July 13. Park Life hopes to develop Central Park as a place for cultural revival – a nexus for new ideas, local histories, and visionaries in the heart of the city.
Coming events: Park life
Friday July 13: CHARLES LANDRY
Will talk about breathing life into Perth.
Urban strategy expert Charles Landry is regarded as an international authority on city futures and the use of culture in city revitalisation. He is also an internationally-recognised expert in the areas of cultural planning and heritage issues, strategic policy development, and cultural industries.
Time: 1 pm to 1.30 pm,
Place: Central Park (corner Hay and William streets) in the City
20 July: Bantus Capoeira in Central Park
For future performances and speakers go online to