St Mary’s parish in South Brisbane attracts over 900 parishioners on a weekly basis. Recently, the left-of-orthodox leanings of parish priest Father Peter Kennedy have Brisbane’s Catholic community up in arms – Father Kennedy reportedly does not wear vestments during communion, allows women to preach sermons, and even blesses same-sex couples.
These practices – which are largely frowned upon by the Catholic Church in general – have been addressed by Brisbane Diocese Archbishop John Bathersby in a letter sent to the St Mary’s parish, dated on August 22 last year, which is available from the St Mary blog.
‘The question for me is not so much whether St Mary’s should be closed down, but whether St Mary’s will close itself down by practices that separate it from communion with the Roman Catholic Church,’ writes Bathersby.
‘St Mary’s seems to be an authority to itself. Despite the good that it does, it places itself outside the practice of the Catholic Church. Therefore we might well ask is it a parish in communion with the Roman Catholic Church, or a community in schism [that has] established its own brand of religion.’
In a letter dated November 30, Father Kennedy and his parish asserted that their practices express a Catholic desire to be inclusive, irrespective of who is included, a philosophy which reflects Pope Benedict’s teachings. Furthermore, in a letter dated January 12, they invite Bathersby to meet with them to resolve the issues.
At current, Bathersby has not responded to their request. However, pressure is mounting from higher up and Bathersby to ‘defrock’ Father Kennedy or even excommunicate the entire parish. If this does happen, the Trades and Labour Council have reportedly offered Father Kennedy and his followers a temporary unofficial residence just down the road.
Archbishop Bathersby was not available for comment.