Coming Out – Teresa


I don’t know what would have happened if I hadn’t moved to Port Hedland. I was twenty seven, and she was nineteen. I was a Mum really young and I had my girls with me.

We were best friends, we worked together at the pub, we just got really close and one night we were out socialising and we went out to the car park and she kissed me. Neither of us had been with a woman before. I wasn’t shocked but it was a surprise.

She was heading off on a big trip around Europe and was planning to be away for several years, I felt it wasn’t right to ask her to stay. She’d been working towards this trip for a long time. I knew that I had these really strong feeling for her, we talked about and decided that we had these feelings but it was all new and we didn’t know what was going on.

We decided not to do anything before she went overseas – and that worked out fine until the night before she left. But it was amazing, and it was incredibly comfortable and felt so right. It sounds like a cliché but I didn’t know what missing in my life until I found it. She was my first love.

She only lasted three months overseas and she came back home. We lived together for six years. I used to think we would have had more problems living in a country town but we were involved in a lot of sports and had a lot of friends. Unfortunately we broke up after six years, I still love her, but we fell out of love.


See also Coming Out – Alexander, David and Jake