Shelly Argent: The Absurdity of Politics



Haggling over implementation of the plebiscite has started.

Mr Turnbull constantly tells us the debate about Marriage Equality will be respectful. Well, it seems as usual he has no idea and is just hopeful.

Debate about the Plebiscite (assuming Liberals win) is starting with hypotheticals about Private Members Bills, new Senators not being supportive etc. The ACL according to the AFR are already discussing broken promises. We should ask why is the ACL even having an opinion because no LGBT groups are consulted on their opinions?

This debate that’s beginning is showing Liberals can not be trusted on anything except double speak and spin to keep Voters in the dark and it won’t be straight forward if the Plebiscite ever happens under a Liberal Government.

A Free Vote is the only way to go. It will minimise hatred and division not only in the suburbs but in the Parliament as well.

Mr Turnbull needs to Lead, not follow Abbott’s right wing attitude. The Plebiscite that is increasing division only came into being when Abbott included the Nationals, in the five hour debate in the Party Room to decide on a Free Vote or Plebiscite only months before he was deposed.

Abbott knew a Plebiscite was not binding and could be held whenever it suited him, which was never.

Shelly Argent

National Spokesperson

PFLAG – Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

What do you think? Should Malcolm Turnbull have shown some leadership and dumped a bad idea?Â