Memory Bank: The Berlin


Welcome to the good old days… join OUTinPerth over the following months as we reminisce about the clubs of yore, back when the music was better and the people were better looking- possibly because we were young, we were wasted and our memory isn’t so good these days… or possibly because it was when we made up in party what we lacked in rights.

Former dancer and DJ, Dennis shared his memories of the Berlin.

The Berlin was where everyone ended up – it was the party capital of Perth. I remember Darren Briais playing there. I would walk down from the old DC’s. The best nights were probably Wednesdays and then weekends.

I remember amazing productions involving Perth legends such as Audrey Woodstock Rose and Lizzy Chirpsworth.

I was one of the performers in a couple of the shows so I would dance in the productions up on the stage. We had such wild shows as Meet the Feebles we also did Hair one day I think. It was quite avant-garde I’d say compared to…well…it was quite in your face sometimes.

It was house music. Darren really lead those days in the Perth nightclub scene so it was a good mix, with some great tunes some of which I still listen to now. They also had some really good bands through there, which I used to go and listen to – I remember 2Unlimited. classic bands of the era… it was great – very cheesy now!

The Berlin Nightclub was on the corner of Roe and Milligan Sts in Northbridge. At its peak in the early nineties, the old club is now most recognisable for its gallery of street art pieces encrusting the exterior.