Soundtrack to Your Life: Reija-Lee



Perth-bred London-based electronic duo Kito and Reija-Lee are back on home soil to get weird at Ambar. While they’re here, vocalist Reija-Lee (pictured, right) told us which songs would feature in the soundtrack to her life.

First Kiss?

Something About Us by Daft Punk

Struttin’ Down the Street?

Worst Behaviour by Drake.

Big break up?

I’ve got a few. I write them a lot [Laughs]. ‘Run for Cover’ was a break up song so I’ll put that. My own song. My ultimate break up song.

Inspirational montage?

Destiny’s Child: Survivor

Fist pump moment?

Bring the Noise by M.I.A.


Bon Iver : Perth. That definitely jerks my tears.

Kito and Reija-Lee are performing at Ambar on October 17th. Tickets available here.

Sophie Joske

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