UK Couples in Civil Partnerships Can Now Marry



Same sex marriages first became legal in the UK on March 29th this year.

Now, couples who have entered into a civil partnership can choose to have those partnerships converted into a legal marriage.

This includes same sex couples living in Australia with one or more members in possession of UK citizenship. They can have their civil partnerships converted into legal marriages in British consulates.

In New South Wales, those marriages will now be legally recognized thanks to legislation that was passed in November. Same sex couples who have married overseas now have that marital status automatically recognized upon their return to the state. The legislation is also inclusive of couples with at least one partner who is gender diverse.

No other Australian states or territories currently have such legislation in place. However, were another state or territory to begin legally recognizing same sex marriages, as briefly occurred in 2013 in the Australian Capital Territory, those unions would be recognized in New South Wales also.

In Western Australia, civil partnerships and marriage are not available for same sex couples. However, the City of Vincent has a Relationship Declaration Register where same sex couples can formally have their relationship recognized.