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Q-Life Films Share Personal Stories of Mental Health

Fullscreen capture 16052015 94643 AMQ-Life has released a series of films focussing on mental health.

In the first episode Jason shares his experiences of depression.

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The short film was directed by Melissa Anastasi .

Follow Q-Life on their YouTube channel to see all the films released over the next three weeks.

There will also be a live Google+ Hangout at 5:30pm (EST) on Sunday to discuss the films, or join the online twitter conversation with tweeting QLifeAustralia.

Find out more about Q-Life at their website.


If you  are struggling with anxiety or depression, support and counseling are available from:

Lifeline: 13 11 14

Beyondblue: 1300 22 4636 and

QLife: 1800 184 527 FREE and (QLife are a counselling and referral service for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) people.


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Support WAAC with Sassie Cassie’s Drag Bingo this IDAHOBIT

Local LGBTIQA+ support organisation WAAC are raising funds with a very camp bingo event this IDAHOBIT.

South Perth’s Perfectly Queer festival begins this Friday

The City of South Perth have announced a fabulous program of LGBTIQA+ events, starting this Friday 17 May.

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Peter Foster MLC shares his thoughts on the Liberal's opposition to law reform.

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"Dr Brough's comments are inappropriate and out of line."

Support WAAC with Sassie Cassie’s Drag Bingo this IDAHOBIT

Local LGBTIQA+ support organisation WAAC are raising funds with a very camp bingo event this IDAHOBIT.

South Perth’s Perfectly Queer festival begins this Friday

The City of South Perth have announced a fabulous program of LGBTIQA+ events, starting this Friday 17 May.

OPINION | Libby Mettam’s Liberals are not our friends

Peter Foster MLC shares his thoughts on the Liberal's opposition to law reform.