Zatanna’s Classical Magic @ Fringe World



The magical Zatanna has mystified audiences across the world and has returned to Perth for two brand new Fringe World performances. We chatted to the magician ahead of her dual premieres.

You have two magical performances at this year’s Fringe World, can you tell us how they differ?

‘Magic from Z to A’ is a big scale show with big illusions, like levitating someone on stage or putting someone in a box and pushing swords inside with lots of dance and interactivity. This one’s a lot of fun, even people who aren’t crazy about magic will like this show – it’s not all about the magic, it’s about the show!

‘Theatre of the Mind’ is more hardcore magic. There’s no big props on stage, just a few cards. It’s going to be a lot more about the mind; mindreading, mentalism and that sort of thing. It’s a little more intellectual but it’s still fun.

Magic as performance has a long history – how do you keep it fresh and exciting?

By changing the presentation. Something I’ve noticed in my experience is that the classics never die. Sometimes I’ll be doing a big illusion show and people will come and tell me their favourite thing was the linking rings. It’s been done for thousands of years and people still think it’s fabulous. I don’t do the rings in my latest show but I still keep some classics like levitation.

I know you’ve taken your shows to China and Japan, what have you learned from doing magic on the road?

There’s good and bad performances everywhere you go. I love Japanese magic because their way of doing it is very different, they keep it very visual. I wouldn’t say I picked up any tricks but I’ve certainly been influenced in some way.

‘Zatanna, Magic from Z… to… A’ and ‘Zatanna’s Theatre of the Mind’ begin Tuesday 4th February at The Hellenic Club of WA. Tickets available from

Leigh Hill