Abbott tells US anti-gay group to leave marriage undamaged


Tony AbbottFormer Prime Minister Tony Abbott has spoken to a collection of over 100 delegates of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative organisation based in New York.

Mr Abbott addressed the delegation, urging the conservation of “traditional” marriage so that it may be “undamaged” for future generations.

In his address, Mr Abbott mentions his sister Christine Forster – out lesbian and Liberal councillor for the City of Sydney – in an obtuse explanation of his views on the LGBT community and marriage rights.

“These days, at least in Western countries, family structures are typically more complex than they used to be,” Mr Abbott said in his speech.

“Two of my sisters are divorced. One has a new partner. Another has a same-sex partner. To me, my sisters’ partners are first-class members of our extended family. The way they live shows their commitment to each other, even though there’s been no ceremony.”

Mr Abbott continues, calling for “less ideology and more common sense”.

“We can’t shirk our responsibilities to the future, but let’s also respect and appreciate values and institutions that have stood the test of time and pass them on, undamaged, when that’s best. That’s the goal we should all be able to share.”

Mr Abbott’s defense of “traditional” marriage at Alliance Defending Freedom echoes cries from within the Coalition government as conservative Liberals and Nationals confirm they would vote against marriage equality despite the outcome of a plebiscite here in Australia.

Greens LGBTI spokesperson Robert Simms and his party are calling for Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to stand up to the former PM.

“This issue is too important to be left to the mercy of Liberal Party games,” Senator Simms said.

Mr Simms says it’s crazy that the Prime Minister is promoting a plebiscite he doesn’t believe in, to a party room who won’t abide by the result.

“Tony Abbott might be out of the Lodge but his ghost is clearly haunting the new Prime Minister. It’s time for Mr Turnbull to show some leadership on this issue.”

Senator Simms suggests the Prime Minister should take Mr Abbott to task for his attendance at the Alliance Defending Freedom.

“It’s appalling that Mr Abbott would use his status as a former Prime Minister to legitimise this gay hate group in this way. It’s not good enough for Mr Turnbull to be missing in action on this issue.”

OIP Staff
