Meet DJ Dom de Sousa


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Dom de Souza has made a name for himself over the last few years playing some of the biggest clubs around the world. He recently spun his choice of tunes for massive Mardi Gras party and now he’s taking over Connections on Easter Sunday.

How did you get started in the DJing game?

For me, it was all about making mashups. I thought only DJs could make mashups, so naturally I taught myself how to DJ. About six months later I entered into a DJ competition at ARQ Sydney, won my heat and placed third overall.

What kind of music can people expect to hear from you at Connections this weekend?

Lots of fun, familiar tracks with lots of vocals.

What are your favourite venues to play?

ARQ Sydney, The Colombian Hotel, Stonewall Hotel & The Midnight Shift – I like them all for different reasons.

You played at Manchester Pride, what was that gig like?

I didn’t play at pride, however I played at an event during pride. One of the most electric, fun gigs I have ever played.

Which tracks are you current favourites?

I’m absolutely loving a track called ‘Feeling The Music (Riki Club Remix)’ by Thomas Solvert & Miriam Reyes.

Which song is your ‘break glass in case of emergency’ track, what is guaranteed to fill a dance floor?

Good question! I’d have to say at the moment it would be ‘Formation’ by Beyoncé, these tracks change quite often though.

Catch Dom de Sousa at Connections Nightclub on Easter Sunday.