Take a journey to imagination and surprise with Burning Rose


Two stories filled with adventure, difficulty, soul-searching and discovery are set to blossom at The Actors’ Hub in April.

Directed by Ellis Pearson, Burning Rose is an anthology of devised pieces from Gap II students told through the wonderful language of theatre, drawing in the audience through a feast of sounds and visual imagery.

The two pieces follow the survival of two women in different social realities – in one, a mother battles the elements to deliver her child into a world beset with the harrowing onslaught of a high magnitude earthquake.

Meanwhile, a supermodel who resides in her world of beauty is beset with nightmares and the reality of the way she’s treated and viewed by her society.

“The actors use their bodies and voices in startling ways and the dream-like nature of the action calls on the imagination of each audience member,” Pearson said.

“It’s the kind of theatre that is playful and funny with a surprise around every corner, as well as being a magical way of providing social comment.

“The challenge is finding ways to help the actors free up their bodies, voices and imaginations.

“One has to almost trick the actors into being more open and playful, so they can enter the worlds they are creating – to do this, we turned each scene into a kind of game.

“I find such joy in the process of collaborating with a group of committed actors to create new work.”

An actor and theatre-maker for almost 40 years, Pearson has been in large and small ensembles that have performed in numerous countries around the world.

He has won best supporting actor awards for the feature films The Angel, the Bicycle and the Chinaman’s Finger and Paljas, as well as Edinburgh Fringe First Awards for his company Theatre for Africa.

“Burning Rose is theatre that truly engages the audience, giving them a satisfying emotional and imaginative experience,” Pearson said.

“The stories are universal and relevant with anyone being able to relate to them.”

Burning Rose runs from April 10th – 14th at The Actors’ Hub, 129 Kensington Street, East Perth. Click here to grab your tickets.

Source:- Media release