Senate passes motion to work towards ending conversion therapy


The Senate has passed a motion this week urging the federal government to work with states and territories to stop the practice of conversion therapy aimed at the LGBTIQ+ community.

The motion put forward by Greens Senator Janet Rice calls on the Morrison government to work with other government leaders to outlaw the dangerous ‘therapies’.

“I’m pleased the senate passed my motion to criminalise LGBTIQ+ conversion ‘therapies’ and condemn the broader conversion movement,” Senator Rice said.

The Greens LGBTIQ+ spokesperson added that she hopes the Prime Minister is listening.

“Efforts to change sexual orientation and gender identity and the ideology that drives the broader conversion movement is extremely harmful to LGBTIQ+ people, especially young people, and has potentially fatal consequences.”

“For the Prime Minister to dismiss this as an issue that’s ‘not for him’ is an absolute disregard to duty.”

“The Prime Minister recently said he wants to govern ‘for all Australians’ yet refused to condemn conversion attempts because it wasn’t an issue for him. This is an issue for him and the Senate just confirmed it.”

Earlier this month Labor’s new Shadow Minister for Equality Senator Louise Pratt, along with fellow Labor MPs Catherine King and Julie Collins, said the PM had showed a lack of leadership on this issue.

“Scott Morrison must show some leadership, stand up to the Liberal Party reactionaries and unequivocally condemn gay conversion “therapy,” the MPs said in a statement.

 “Real leaders don’t just wash their hands of serious problems and say ‘that’s got nothing to do with me’. They take a stand.”
OIP Staff