TransFolk of WA share thanks as community offers space in Pride parade


TransFolk of WA have shared their thanks to local community members who have offered up space in this year’s Pride Parade.

The donations of wristbands come after many learned this week that Pride WA would be restricting numbers during this year’s march, citing health and safety concerns.

Alyce Schotte, TransFolk of WA Chair, sent out huge thanks to the many organisations who had shared their entries to allow a bigger TransFolk group at the Pride march on Saturday.

“This really shows what Pride really means to our wonderful rainbow community.”

“We could not be more grateful or touched that people came together to ensure as many people as possible got their moment to march with pride at the parade.”

“When we initially announced we would need to limit our numbers for the march many people reached out immediately and offered to share with us.”

“The theme of Reflect; love, heroes, community & identity could not be more appropriate in this case. We have many heroes to thank.”

“This is how Pride brings out the best in us, supporting each other, being a community, and valuing togetherness.”

“There has been a great deal of anger in the last 24 hours and I can say on behalf of TransFolk of WA we simply can’t condone attacks and personal threats and we don’t think they should play any role in the march.”

“Pride WA have had a challenging time managing the success of this growing event and this is lesson for the future, not a reason to split the community and cast a shadow over the event.”

“When it’s all over and we have come together, I think there is plenty of time to sit down and see what could be better in 2020.”

“In the meantime, we thank our brilliant supporters for their compassion towards TransFolk of WA.”

“We send our thanks to Pride WA for their work to make the march such a success and look forward to a wonderful Pride march and to coming together as a brilliant and connected community.”