Honour Transgender Day of Remembrance with tonight's vigil

Warning: Some content in this article may be confronting to our trans and gender diverse readers.

November 20th is Transgender Day of Remembrance, a day to reflect on trans and gender diverse folks around the world on the path to becoming who they are.

Marking the end of Trans Awareness Week, Trans Day of Remembrance also remembers those whose lives have been lost on that journey, locally and around the world.

Originally honoured in 1999 after action from advocate Gwendolyn Ann Smith, who sought to honour the memory of Rita Hester, a trans woman whose life was taken the year before.

Here in Perth, TransFolk of WA will be holding a candlelight vigil tonight, where the community, friends, family and allies are invited to join in the occasion.

The vigil will be hosted by TransFolk of WA Chair Hunter Gurevich, who will be joined by trans and gender diverse community members who would like to share their own stories.

Transgender Day of Remembrance vigil will be held tonight at the Perth AIDS Memorial, Robertson Park from 5:30pm. For more information, head to Facebook.

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