PFLAG began in USA in 1973 and became a federation there in 1979. They attracted members from countries around the world including June, Margaret & John in WA. PFLAG-Perth was born out of the Parliamentary debate to de-criminalise homosexual acts in 1989. It was the first official group in Australia. Many other groups now exist but there is no federated body in Australia.
What are we then? We are PFLAG-Perth – parents, families and friends of lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender, intersex and queer people. Each of us has learned that someone we love or care about is LGBTI or Q. We do have a common bond – a relative or friend who happens to be different from the so-called ‘heterosexual norm’.
We meet together because we want to assist each other and ourselves, to deal with the information in a positive caring and mature way, so that we will grow to be happy with ourselves and with those we love, those who happen to LGBTI or Q. We try to keep an open mind and be willing to offer help to any relative or friend of a LGBTI or Q person who shows a desire to be helped. However, we do not force ourselves on others, as this could be harmful to them. They must come to us.
We most earnestly welcome new members and encourage all to attend as many meetings as possible, for their own benefit and also that of others in the Group. Confidentiality is, of course, very important to most of us, for one reason or another. We are more than happy to welcome LGBTI or Q people to talk with us and/or become members of PFLAG if they so desire. We have so much to learn from each other.
It is our hope that when each of us reaches a point of being whole and secure in our understanding and acceptance of our ‘different’ loved ones, we will realise, that is when PFLAG needs us most. Unfortunately, in recent years this has not happened.
Now, 20 years on, the three founding members are still semi-active and, together with a small number of older members, are the basis of our monthly meetings. Sadly most new members come but then leave when they feel OK, so we are running out of people who are willing and able to carry the FLAG into the future. This year we have no elected President so have needed to rotate members on a two monthly roster to this position.
We have met so many LGBTI & Q people and many read OUTinPerth, but so few of your parents have ever come along to a meeting. Maybe a bit of gentle parent persuasion, on your part, could help prevent PFLAG-Perth from passing into oblivion! We meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 1.30pm, with venue to be confirmed by ringing our helpline.
Helpline and info contact (08) 9228 1005
Visit our Website at
John Pugh (Secretary & present President)