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Tag: transgender


Equality Australia warn sporting bodies against blanket transgender bans

Human rights advocates have warned International Rugby League and other sport governing bodies considering blanket bans on trans women following recent changes from swimming's...

Cycling's governing body adjusts rules for transgender athletes

Cycling's governing body has announced new rules for transgender athletes. Under the new rules transgender women will have to show they can maintain a...

ANZ is the latest employer to introduce paid Gender Affirmation Leave

ANZ have announced its Australian and New Zealand based employees who are affirming their gender will be able to access six weeks of paid...

No action on trans and intersex rights from WA Government

Western Australia's Attorney General John Quigley has confirmed the McGowan Government has not 'fully considered' a report on trans and intersex rights which was...

Animal Justice Party parts ways with candidates over transgender views

The Animal Justice Party (AJP) this week announced they were parting ways with two of their candidates who expressed views about transgender people which...

Advocates & experts dispel misinformation on trans healthcare

LGBTQIA+ advocates and medical professionals are standing up for trans lives and healthcare after misinformation shared by the Prime Minister this morning. Representatives from advocacy...

Scott Morrison falsely claims "young adolescents" are having trans surgery

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has declared he's still standing by Katherine Deves as his candidate in Warringah despite her walk-back of her apology over...

Katherine Deves says "mutilated" was the "correct terminology"

Liberal candidate for Warringah Katherine Deves has walked back her apology over social media posts she made about transgender youth, saying "mutilated" was the...

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Alison Moyet announces new compilation and world tour

'The Key' will feature new versions of Moyet's songs.

Computing pioneer Lynn Conway dies aged 86

Conway was a trailblazer in the development of microchips.

NSW teacher fired from religious based school

Current laws make the dismissal completely legal.

14,221 days and counting of lawful discrimination under the WA Equal Opportunity Act

OPINION | How long will Western Australians wait for law reform?

‘Media Watch’ host Paul Barry to step down at the end of the year

Barry is the show's longest serving host.