IOC says Daily Beast recalled widely disdained journalist


Nico Hines Page

The International Olympics committee has responded to calls for it to formally revoke the accreditation of Daily Beat journalist Nico Hines. The Olympics organising body has revealed that the Daily Beast has already officially recalled the journalist.

The IOC has told Outsports that the publication has already pulled the journalist from Brasil.

Hines published a piece last week that has been widely condemned. The article, which the Daily Beast has subsequently withdrawn, highlighted that athletes were using online dating apps to seek out sexual partners.

The journalist, who is heterosexual and married with children, visited the Athlete’s Village to see how many potential hook-up’s he could organise.

The subsequent article he wrote didn’t name specific athletes, but it did provide enough details for several athletes to be easily identified. Some of those identified were from countries where homosexuality is illegal and subject to imprisonment and capital punishment.

The Daily Beast first responded to the criticism by amending the article, but following growing outrage from around the globe they later deleted the story completely.

The journalist has been lying low since the article was published, his Twitter account has fallen silent since the controversial article was published.

OIP Staff