Tag A Drag Bingo is streaming live into your living room


Connections Nightclub’s weekly drag bingo event is back, digitally!

Perth’s regular queer events are moving online and adapting to isolation life, and Tag A Drag Bingo is back with your favourite queens on the balls.

Tonight’s digital debut will feature dazzling duo Donna Kebab and Veronica Jean Jones on hosting duties, while players can get involved from the safety and comfort of home.

Connies have sorted some digital bingo sheets (link available on below), with unique serial numbers to ensure there’ll be no ball tampering during the games.

Prizes will be announced on tonight’s live stream, so be sure to tune in for your chance to win!

Be sure to head over to BarbieQ’s page for a double dose of Thursday drag with POP! From Home, as Ms Q and friends bring you some fabulous post-bingo numbers live from her abode.

Tag A Drag Bingo is going LIVE from 7pm on Facebook. Head to the page for more info.

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