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Tag: Gender


South Carolina joins North in introducing anti-LGBT bill

South Carolina's Senate have been presented with a bill that specifically targets trans people's bathroom use in the state. The bill known as S. 1203...

Author Ian McEwan: I can only think of people with penises as men

British author Ian McEwan has been criticised for recent comments he made about transgender people. McEwan has shared his thoughts about the recent debates about...

Sydney school adopts non-gendered uniform policy

A school in New South Wales have made changes to allow students to choose to wear whichever uniform they wish, encouraging freedom of gender...

Ze: Queer as F*ck is a one-person Pride parade

“ZE”: QUEER AS F*CK! is a one-person, genderqueer, kinky, femmesexual, polyminded, gay-divorcee PRIDE parade through the real life of Michelle/Ryan. “Ze” (the pronoun most commonly...

John Grant's new video tackles gender expectations

Musician John Grant has released a video for his latest single 'Down Here'. Grant teamed up with director Lisa Gunning to create a story about a...

Mattel feature young boy in new Barbie ad

US toy giant's Mattel have bucked traditional gender roles in their latest Barbie campaign, featuring a young boy playing with the iconic doll. The new...

Tara Hudson moved to female prison

  Trans woman Tara Hudson has been moved to a female prison after it was reported she had been sentenced to serve time in an...

Gender-neutral title 'Mx' added to Oxford Dictionary

In their most recent update, Oxford Dictionaries have added the gender neutral honourific ‘Mx’ to the decades-old glossary of English language. The title, pronounced ‘mix’,...

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Don't miss

Alison Moyet announces new compilation and world tour

'The Key' will feature new versions of Moyet's songs.

Computing pioneer Lynn Conway dies aged 86

Conway was a trailblazer in the development of microchips.

NSW teacher fired from religious based school

Current laws make the dismissal completely legal.

14,221 days and counting of lawful discrimination under the WA Equal Opportunity Act

OPINION | How long will Western Australians wait for law reform?

‘Media Watch’ host Paul Barry to step down at the end of the year

Barry is the show's longest serving host.