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Tag: AusPol


Scott Morrison says he faces similar hatred and bigotry as LGBTI people

Treasurer Scott Morrison has told ABC radio that he and people who oppose marriage equality face a similar level of hate speech and bigotry...

Local Government Association members support marriage equality

The Australian Local Government Association have passed a motion at their annual conference in support of marriage equality with a strong majority at their National General...

Peter Abetz rules out any apology

Southern River MLA Peter Abetz has refused to apologise for his recent comments in the Western Australian parliament where he suggested that incoming federal...

Dumped Liberal Dr Dennis Jensen to run as independent

Dumped Liberal MP Dr Dennis Jensen has announced he will contest his federal seat as an independent. Last month the three-term MP was dumped by...

Australian Marriage Forum suggest this is the last Mother's Day

The Australian Marriage Forum have argued that today might be the last time Australians celebrate marriage equality due to the high probability of marriage...

Budget includes $160 million for mariage plebiscite

This week's federal budget includes $160 million to hold a plebiscite on marriage equality. The additional poll would be held within the next twelve...

Socialist Alternative deny hijacking Save Safe Schools rally

The Perth branch of the Socialist Alternative have posted a statement to their social media page denying accusations made in the 'Green Left Weekly' that...

Save Safe Schools supporters speak out at Perth rally

Parents, teachers and students joined politicians today to call for the reinstatement of the Safe Schools program. The rally in Perth's Murray Street mall attracted...

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Don't miss

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.

On This Gay Day | Poet Pat Parker died in 1989

Parker was an African American poet and activist.

Norwegian pop singer Dagny shares new mini album

Take a listen to her new song 'Hate Being Alone'.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

Marc Almond, Thomas Bangalter, Bronze Avery, Gustaph and Darin.

Meaghan Holden appointed inaugural CEO of Living Proud

Holden joins Living Proud from Switchboard in Victoria.