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Tag: Literature


Bibliophile | Big Rough Stones dreams of a lesbian utopia

Big Rough Stones by Margaret Merrilees Wakefield Press Reading Margaret Merrilees’ latest novel is a bit like doing a jigsaw. The narrative is littered with lesbians who...

Bibliophile | The House of Impossible Beauties brings it to the ball

The House of Impossible Beauties by Joseph Cassara ONEWORLD When Blondie and Diana Ross were pumping on the radio, Angel was 16 years old and they realised...

Bibliophile | Amy Bloom explores two White Houses, home to secret love

White Houses by Amy Bloom Allen & Unwin Although Amy Bloom states that she worked from books by actual historians, the creative writing professor declares her book...

Bibliophile | Akwaeke Emezi explores the sprits within in Freshwater

Freshwater by Akwaeke Emezi Allen & Unwin   Ada was born in Nigeria where her mother Saachi was a nurse and her father Saul a doctor. Author Akwaeke...

Bibliophile | Munmun is a brilliant satire on the "Amerrycan Dream"

Munmun by Jesse Andrews Allen & Unwin Imagine a world where physical size is directly proportional to how much money you have. In this Gulliver’s Travels world,...

Bibliophile | Life is not like detective novels in Little Gods

Little Gods by Jenny Ackland Allen & Unwin Olive Lovelock has just turned twelve. She is an only child but her extended family, where her mother and...

Bibliophile | The Fortress asks questions about power and the status quo

The Fortress by SA Jones In world much like our own that has never been affected by the #MeToo campaign, Jonathon Bridge has a good life....

Bibliophile | A Certain Light: A Memoir of Family, Loss and Hope

A Certain Light: A Memoir of Family, Loss and Hope by Cynthia Banham Allen & Unwin   Cynthia Banham is an interesting person who grew up in Sydney...

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Public sector union disappointed as WA government rejects calls for gender affirmation leave

The union says government workers are being left behind.

Review | Caroline O’Connor – My Musical Life

Caroline O'Connor's show was a delightful blend of music, storytelling, and abundant laughter.

On This Gay Day: Sally Ride headed into outer space

Soon her life will be the focus of a new drama series.

Bright Light Bright Light and Mykal Gilgore pay tribute to George and Aretha

Check out their take on the classic tune.

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.