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Tag: WA AIDS Council


The Proud Awards 2017: The winner's list

The second annual Proud Awards brought WA's LGBTI community groups and entertainers together for a fabulous night of celebrations at Connections Nightclub. Hosted by the...

The Proud Awards: Mark Reid enters the Hall Of Fame

The Proud Awards are fast approaching and with voting now closed, the ballots are being tallied and the anticipation is heating up to find...

"We've seen it all before": WA AIDS Council's new CEO on marriage debate

The new CEO of the Western Australian AIDS Council has weighed in on the marriage debate, sharing from his personal experience as a gay...

Mark McGowan confirms marriage related mental health funding will remain

Western Australian Premier Mark McGowan has confirmed that emergency funding given to assist the LGBTI community through the marriage survey period will remain regardless...

WA Greens: Govt funding of LGBTI+ mental health is inadequate

The Greens have criticised the McGowan's government's recently announced commitment to increase funding to LGBTI+ mental health services in WA as "inadequate and half-hearted." The...

State govt increase support for LGBTI+ mental health ahead of postal survey

Deputy Premier Roger Cook has today announced the McGowan Government will increase support for mental health services that support the LGBTI+ community ahead of...

WA AIDS Council disappointed PrEP not yet added to PBS

The Western Australian AIDS Council say they are disappointed that the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee’s (PBAC) has decided to defer the decision on whether...

STYLEAID: Say farewell to a fabulous local icon this Friday

STYLEAID has been the WA AIDS Council’s major fundraiser for two decades, but tomorrow the fabulous fashion ball will be hosted for the last...

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Don't miss

South African LGBTIQA+ rights activist Mmapaseka Steve Letsike sworn in as an MP

Internationally recongised LGBTIQA+ rights defender Mmapaseka Steve Letsike is now an MP.

On This Gay Day | Poet Pat Parker died in 1989

Parker was an African American poet and activist.

Norwegian pop singer Dagny shares new mini album

Take a listen to her new song 'Hate Being Alone'.

Fresh Tracks | The latest tunes worth checking out

Marc Almond, Thomas Bangalter, Bronze Avery, Gustaph and Darin.

Meaghan Holden appointed inaugural CEO of Living Proud

Holden joins Living Proud from Switchboard in Victoria.