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WAAC present Holding The Man with Ryan Corr

Last night the WA Aids Council and Luna Palace Cinemas held a very special premiere screening of 'Holding The Man' with a Q&A session...

New Major HIV Study: Test Reguarly and Treat Early

People Living with HIV should begin treatment immediately rather than waiting until their immune system has been affected by the virus. The results from a...

Candlelight Vigil for HIV and AIDS Persists Through Rain and Wind

Last night a group of dedicated supporters braved the wet weather to pay tribute to those past and present whose lives have been affected...

STYLEAID Goes '60s for 2015

STYLEAID, the highly anticipated fundraising event for the WA AIDS Council is approaching, and this year's theme and hosts have been announced. This year's STYLEAID...

New Course Allows Young Guys to Explore Sexuality

Project X are launching a brand new course this month. Finding Common Ground is a workshop for young same sex attracted guys and it...

WAAC's Jonathon Hallet Calls for Solidarity

At the 2014 World AIDS Day commemoration, WA AIDS Council Chairperson Jonathon Hallet addressed the audience with a speech commenting on the need for...

WA AIDS Council Volunteers Recognised

The WA AIDS Council has acknowledge the contribution volunteers make to the organisation via it's annual CEO and Chairman's Awards. At a ceremony to mark...

Creative Spirits Collaborate for STYLEAID

  Performance artists Strykermyer and Ash Baroque don’t want to give away too much about their performance at STYLEAID tonight. When we caught up with creative...

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Don't miss

Alison Moyet announces new compilation and world tour

'The Key' will feature new versions of Moyet's songs.

Computing pioneer Lynn Conway dies aged 86

Conway was a trailblazer in the development of microchips.

NSW teacher fired from religious based school

Current laws make the dismissal completely legal.

14,221 days and counting of lawful discrimination under the WA Equal Opportunity Act

OPINION | How long will Western Australians wait for law reform?

‘Media Watch’ host Paul Barry to step down at the end of the year

Barry is the show's longest serving host.